

We have male and female doctors at the clinic and patients may request an appointment with a specific doctor when booking although this may increase the waiting time. All patients are entitled to have a chaperone present for consultations, examinations, or procedures if they wish to. This can be a family member or friend or staff of the clinic. The Doctors may also want to request a chaperone to be present depending on the type of procedure.

Requests and release of personal information

Confidentiality is very important to us. We will only release your medical information to a 3rd party with your signed permission. There is an exception when bound by legal requirements.

No-show or missed appointment

Your appointment time is reserved just for you. If you need to cancel or reschedule, please contact us at least 24 hours in advance. This allows us to offer the slot to someone else. Cancellations made on the same day as your appointment will be considered a no-show. After three no-shows within a 12-month period, you will need to pay fees before booking another appointment with us.

Abusive behaviour

Spring Family Medical Clinic is a friendly clinic that welcomes all patients without any discrimination whatsoever. However, we also have zero tolerance towards abusive behaviour of any kind. We reserve the right to work in an environment free from violent, threatening, or abusive behaviour and everything will be done to protect that right. This may include asking you to find an alternative healthcare provider.


We encourage feedback on our services as it helps us to improve. We’re here to listen to your concerns and compliments about the quality of care you received. Patients have the option to discuss their issues with the individual doctor or the clinic manager either face to face, by telephone or in writing.